Posts tagged as "unity"

Unity CI/CD Demystified: Part 4: Deploying WebGL Builds to GitHub Pages
2 min

In Part 4, I show how to deploy a Unity projects to GitHub Pages

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Unity CI/CD Demystified: Part 3: Build with Linux
2 min

In Part 3 of our Unity CI/CD series, I show how to create a reusable workflow to build Unity projects for different platforms.

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Unity CI/CD Demystified: Part 2: Trigger Events and Running Tests
3 min

In Part 2, I show how to create a workflow to run our automated tests based on some trigger events

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Unity CI/CD Demystified: Part 1: One-Time Setup
2 min

Part 1 covers the one-time setup needed for setting up a CI/CD pipeline for Unity projects

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Workaround for Unity Personal License Manual Activation Not Supported
0 min

A workaround for Unity no longer supporting manual activation of Personal licenses.

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How To Disable Buttons In Unity
1 min

Unity offers three different ways to disable a UI Button, each of which can be used depending on the desired outcome.

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How to add an image as a camera background in Unity
1 min

The camera in Unity allows the setting of the background as a solid colour but not as an image. Let's look at how we can set it up to render a background image instead of a plain colour.

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Installing NuGet packages in Unity 2021
2 min

NuGet is indispensable for working in .NET. Unfortunately, it does not work out of the box in Unity. Let us see how we can install a NuGet package in Unity 2021

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Organizing Unity projects to make them testable
1 min

Unity, by default, puts all the scripts in a single assembly. See how I structure my unity projects to make the code more organized and testable

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Fix the Language version error for Unity projects in Rider
1 min

How to fix the language version compiler error on building a project in rider created with Unity.

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How to host a compressed Unity WebGL game on Netlify
2 min

In this article, I will be showing how to serve a unity game compressed with Brotli compression to Netlify

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